The charge is: €20 for an individual & €30 for a family.

If you subsequently decide to become a member of Killaloe Sailing Club, the charge is set against the cost of Club Membership.

This video may be helpful to anyone new to sailing, providing some basic information and tips.

Try Sailing Tasters will be held on the following dates in May 2024:

Thursday 2nd May (Evening); Thursday 9th May (Evening); Sunday 12th May (Morning); Thursday 16th May (Evening); Saturday 18th May (1 – 5 PM); Sunday 19th May (Morning).

If bad weather forces a postponement of a session, we plan to use Thursday 23rd May (Evening) and Thursday 30th May (Evening) as alternative dates.

Evening Sessions are outlined below; Sunday Sessions will begin at 10.30 A.M. and follow a similar format.

The format for the ‘Taster’ is simple:

5.30pm: Arrive to rig the dinghy and change into sailing gear.

6.00pm:  Launch.

6.45pm: Return to base.

If there is a second group on the evening, a different arrival time will be arranged, probably 6.30pm.

It is essential that you complete an Application Form, so that times can be assigned, with adequate supervisors and safety boats arranged.

Apply now by using the form below.

Killaloe Sailing Club Taster Form

"*" indicates required fields

The dates for Taster Sessions are published annually in February or March. Sessions going ahead are dependent on weather. You will be contacted in advance by phone to arrange a suitable date and time.

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